Adam Wilder is currently recognized as one of the worlds most talented painters of military vehicles.
This signature set from AK Interactive includes a selection of 18 colors considered by Adam essential for painting a wide variety of WWII and modern military vehicles using the best acrylic paint on the market. His selection includes colors for painting the base coats, tools, and running gear along with the crew.
This kit includes Adams own personal mixes but the wide range of colors enclosed allows you to easily mix your own various tones in order to give each vehicle a unique appearance.
This set contains:
AKI11334 Olive drab base
AKI11339 Olive drab FS30070
AKI11346 Forest Green
AKI11153 USMC Forest Green
AKI11345 APC Interior Light Green
AKI11335 Nº1 Light Green
AKI11336 Nº5 Earth Brown
AKI11027 Rubber Black
AKI11115 Wood Base (Light Earth)
AKI11212 Gun Metal
AKI11422 Ochre Khaki
AKI11435 US Field Drab
AKI11156 US Dark Green
AKI11151 Brownish Green
AKI11434 Red Brown
AKI11436 Canvas Tone
AKI11402 Light Flesh
AKI11403 Highlight Flesh